I already contacted Ubisoft with this problem and they weren't able to help me with their solutions.

Steam discover the files and everything worked fine. Then I uninstall Far Cry 3 from Steam and reinstall it by choosing the new "C:\SteamLibrary\". After the installation, I copied the Far Cry 3 folder from my external drive into the new "C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\" folder. What I did is install those games on my C: drive through steam I will not go through all the process I did but long story short, I installed a game on my C: drive and Steam created a "SteamLibrary" folder on my C: drive. I either get a "Far Cry 3 has stopped working" or a blank screen with the program "not working" in the task manager. Far Cry 3 and some other games (Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Monkey island 1 and 2 special edition, Red Faction Guerilla and Just Cause 2) didn't start at all. Steam and all my steam games are installed on an external drive.